Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Getting back into business :)

 It's been heck of a loong time since my last post here. Hopefully I'll be back online with some new photos and stories from time to time now. My good friend reminded me of what I was going for before I got into this slump.
 I have been out of photography since my last post pretty much. My motivation went down slowly, and last 2 months I haven't almost taken any photos. I started to forget the joy of photography. My friend, who is also a hobbyist, asked me a small loan, so she could buy herself a new camera. I gave her the loan, and by doing that, I started to look back at what I have created myself this past year. I saw that I did a lot of cool things and some great photos(atleast for me) :P and it brought back some old thoughts and feelings I had while doing all these things.
 I'm going to start all over with a new camera, and for the start, one new lens(whenever they arrive). I wanted to get a new camera already in last summer, but looking at the prices, I didn't want to invest into it just yet. I wanted to wait till it gets cheaper. Now, I started looking around the internet again and found a site where I can get it as cheap as it can get(probably). I'm going to get the Nikon D7100 to exchange my old D3100 out. Also, I'm going to get Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD. For me, it's a lot of money to invest, but if this helps me get my inspiration back, it's a small price to pay. New camera gives me a lot of new things to learn, and I'm already planning on what I'm going to shoot when I get it.
 I chose the D7100 because it gives me some things that I was missing when shooting with my D3100. For example: High speed flash sync. A lot of times I would have loved to use it, but there just wasn't this option on my camera. Also mic-in, since only one thing kept me from doing great videos. It was laziness. Laziness, because, if I wanted to get good quality sound, I'd have to record it on separate recorder device and then sync it with video later. I don't know why, but I never enjoyed doing that :P Then there is the better low light performance etc etc... You'll know when you have looked at what this camera is all about.
 I chose Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 because, it has a nice range and really great quality of what I have seen. Also the aperture of 2.8 all the way :)
 Right now it's all lagging behind the payment for the camera and lens because this company wont ship to Estonia. I have some family in Finland and I'm trying to buy it through them. Just some delays because of bank problems, which will be figured out tomorrow I hope :)

Wow I had a lot to tell today :D
Anyway, hope to be back soon and with my new setup!!