Thursday, April 25, 2013


 My Stock photos on

 I'm not going to make a long post today, just saying how important motivation is.

 Motivation is one of the most important things in life. Same applies in photography, if you're not motivated, you can go long time without making any photos, or just not getting the images you want.
  Recently, I got really unmotivated and was just lying around not doing anything. I took few photos, but they weren't anything special. Then, just yesterday, I went to help out my coworker in her country house. I drove there. It was a great trip. Seeing the countryside, forests and getting further from the city. Today I took some photos in my garden and they came out so much better than before. I was motivated, and focused on what I was doing. I would say that motivation is one of the most important things.

If you are unmotivated, I suggest you travel away from your house or even city. Go camping or fishing, travel to another country, or even go sightseeing in your own country. Do something different from your everyday life. You'll see the change.

Some pictures I took today

Take a look at my stock photography site

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