Friday, May 24, 2013

Battery grip

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Some time ago I ordered a Battery grip from China.  It was very cheap compared to the prices here in Estonia. In fact it was about 5x cheaper. Also the shipping was free so no extra money used with delivery. Also an IR remote came with it.

The grip sits perfectly on my camera. It's made of plastic, but it seems to be pretty strong for now. Gives my camera the ability to use IR remote and it's pretty light, so, it doesn't add much weight. The connection cord is the right length, so it's not in the way. The grip takes 2x EN-EL14 batteries, so it doubles the shots I can take in one charge. Also makes my camera a little bit bigger(which I haven't gotten used to yet). It doesn't have a rubber grip on it, but that's ok, since it sits nicely in my hands.

Overall, I think it was money well spent for now. I have had it since yesterday, but as much as I've used it, it is great.

Edit: I found that sometimes when using the grips shutter button on close objects, it makes autofocus confused(I think it's in certain light conditions). It doesn't focus as quick and searches focus from closest to infinity. I tried many times with both my cameras shutter button and the one on the grip on same object at same distance. Pressing the grips shutter, it searched for focus, but cameras found it instantly. Don't know if it was one time thing or it happens in certain conditions.

And as always some images:

This is the battery grip and connection cord

Takes 2x EN-EL batteries
 Shutter button and on/off switch

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