Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some old Photos

Just thought of showing some older photos from 2011 when I was working in Norway.

If you want to see more pictures, go to my stock photography site

This one is taken while we were waiting for the ferry to travel through the fjords. As you can see the ferry just left a little bit before we got there :)

This I took in the morning while driving. It's taken somewhere in the mountains in South Norway. Not really sure where, because we had been driving for about 12 hours or more straight from Stockholm Sweden and I was really tired.

This one again I have no idea where exactly is, but it's somewhere in Norway and Sweden border I think ;) We did a small rest stop there.

This is the foundation we built in Skaidi in northern Norway. The view was just awesome!

This is the same site as last picture. We got the walls in place and started building the roof to get the house waterproof.

If you are interested in Stock photos or have a friend who is please visit my stock photography site

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