Thursday, April 25, 2013


 My Stock photos on

 I'm not going to make a long post today, just saying how important motivation is.

 Motivation is one of the most important things in life. Same applies in photography, if you're not motivated, you can go long time without making any photos, or just not getting the images you want.
  Recently, I got really unmotivated and was just lying around not doing anything. I took few photos, but they weren't anything special. Then, just yesterday, I went to help out my coworker in her country house. I drove there. It was a great trip. Seeing the countryside, forests and getting further from the city. Today I took some photos in my garden and they came out so much better than before. I was motivated, and focused on what I was doing. I would say that motivation is one of the most important things.

If you are unmotivated, I suggest you travel away from your house or even city. Go camping or fishing, travel to another country, or even go sightseeing in your own country. Do something different from your everyday life. You'll see the change.

Some pictures I took today

Take a look at my stock photography site

Monday, April 15, 2013

The photo studio

Stock photography by Ville Eek

First of all, sorry for not posting anything in a while! Have been busy and lazy and busy again for some time now :)

Anyway, I promised to blog again when I had all the parts that I ordered for my studio.
Now they are all here and I tested them out.

As I said in my previous post, the items I ordered were pretty cheap. I didn't expect too much, but I have to say that the radio triggering system is really great. It seems to be made from a cheap plastic, but its really well put together and works nicely. On Amazon it said that it should trigger the flash from about 30m. Haven't tried it from that far yet but did try from about 15m and it worked every time. I ordered the version called PT-16GY with 2 recievers, in case one breaks or something. It was 14.23£ and sold by ukprostore.

About the flash and umbrella holder. It really doesn't seem much. When I first took it in my hands I thought it would break easily. When I tried it out, it held everything firmly in place and worked just fine. Haven't used any other flash holders so I wouldn't know to compare. It's sold on Amazon by BV-Electronics for 7.99£

I can't compare the lightstand with anything either, haven't used any other lightstands. It's fairly light, up to 2m in height, and nice and stable. If you scroll down you'll see a studio light that I built. I mounted it on top of the lightstand at maximum height and it was stable. It cost 10.77£ on amazon and is sold by Amazon EU S.a.r.L.

Then the Umbrella. Well, it's an umbrella. 6.97£ by BV-Electronics on amazon.

This is just a picture of the smaller things I have.
The Reflector was bought earlier in Estonia and I mentioned it in older post.

Lightstand, reflector, flash & umbrella holder, 
radio flash triggering system(2x recievers & 1x transmitter)
and umbrella.

I built a studio light also, but I think it still needs some work. I used 6x 50W halogen lights as seen below on the pictures. It works fine but, I need something to mount it better, so I could change the angle of the light. Right now its just hanging from a tripod on a wire.

I think the color temperature is somewhere around 2700K.
It gives a warm yellowish light.
50W 230V halogen light. 

 Also made a softbox. I'm not going to talk much about it because, I already talked about it on another post some time ago. Only thing I'll say is that I really love how it softens the light. It works really well if I use it correctly.

Well that's it for today, I'll leave you few photos to enjoy that I took with this equipment. If you like what you see and are interested more in the equipment, you can leave a comment or just message me anywhere(facebook, G+...). You can find my details in my g+ account on the right side of my blog.

Be sure to visit and share my stock photography site