Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Macro reverse ring

 I haven't been very active here in Blogger lately. Sorry about that. But I didn't forget about photography. I have still been doing some macro photos, and now I took it to the next level.

 I want to tell you about a great little thing called "macro reverse ring". What it basically does is, you can reverse your lens on your camera, so the front element of the lens faces the camera sensor. This lets you get really close to your subjects and give you better magnification, so you get cheap yet reliable macro lens of your, for example, kit lens. I bought it for 9.90€, so it was cheap.

 The reverse ring screws directly to your lens filter slot. As seen in the picture:

Shooting with the lens

When it comes to shooting with this lens, with the reverse ring on, it gets a bit more difficult than usual photography. Since you need to get really close to your subjects, it's harder to get the results you want. There are few reasons for that:

*When getting close to your subject, for example a fly, it will get scared and fly away, you have to be extremely patient and move slowly. Before, I used my Tamron 18-200mm, and the minimum range it could focus was 35cm, with the reverse ring, my kit lens focuses at less than 5cm or so.
*You pretty much can't use a tripod when shooting in closest range you can get, since the tripod will just get in the way in most cases. You can however find something to lean on.
*You have to manually adjust your aperture with the little slider in the back of your lens. Since the lens is reversed, all you can set up in you camera is shutter speed and ISO.

There may be other reasons also that I can't think right now...

Using the flash

 I mostly use my flash as a primary source of light, so I can totally freeze the moment. Since I don't have the high speed flash sync, I can't go over 1/200th shutter speed when using flash. It's usually enough, but sometimes when you have some wind or the subjects move around too much, you will see the movement on the image. For that I use my flash at 1/4 to1/1 power. I completely underexpose my image and the flash corrects the exposure for me(without the flash the image is almost completely dark). Since the flash goes off for so short time, it helps get the image easier even when the object is moving.

Overall, the reverse macro ring was a great buy. I get so much closer to the subjects, and I love the images I can make with this. Really recommend you try it also if you have a DSLR and a kit lens or something lying around the house.

Some images taken with the lens reversed

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