Thursday, November 6, 2014

Getting back, again :D

Haven't been very active here lately. I've had some photoshoots, but was too lazy posting anything. I'll give it a new go. Let's see where I get with this :)
 I have had some photoshoots with my friends. Took some photos of their cars, and parties I went to. Also went on a vocation trip and took some photos there. So, I haven't totally been away from photography like the last time I stopped posting. 

 My life has taken a turn for better. I have done a lot of outdoor activities during the summer. Went on a vocation trip, chilled with my friends a lot, had a summer job, and now I started school. Everything is great! There is just this one thing that's not that good though. Currently I'm unemployed, and I don't have any stable money coming in. It's kinda bad, but it also helped me. Thanks to that, I thought that I should try and make my own photography business and start to offer my services. I'm trying to get some work on some smaller events like birthdays, small reunions etc. I already might have 1 gig coming up soon, but nothing is too certain. I also have few shoots coming up with my friends that I will do for free. It's great, because I made a facebook page, and I can get more images out there like this, and my friends get new photos for themselves. I hope this thing gets me somewhere and that I can earn some money, because I really do need it :D

And here're some images I've taken this year:

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