Monday, February 24, 2014

Birthday photoshoot

On Saturday I did a photoshoot for my sisters friends 25th birthday. I didn't do anything special, just a quick shoot of everyone who wanted their picture taken. Since the room was kinda small, I didn't have much space to play around with the lights, but I think I did get some decent images and I hope the people who attended are happy with the photos.

 My setup was pretty simple. I used 2 studio lights and a speedlight for triggering. One light was set up right hand side of the subjects and the other was in front. The speedlight was on top of the camera, pointing to the ceiling. I used my Nikon 18-105mm VR since the room was kinda small. Otherwise, I would have used 50mm 1.8G, because I think it gives so much better looking images.

 I said on Friday that I might post some images on Sunday, but I just didn't have the time to process all the photos that fast. Now I'm finished processing, so here's some of them :) 2 of the photos here are actually made with 50mm 1.8G before the party.

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